November 28, 2011

Learning to enjoy the quiet...

It's been so busy and noisy this year that this quiet I have right now is sooooo LOUD!!! I'm sitting here reading and just realized my phone hasn't made one sound this evening. I know that this is what I've been praying for, but now that it's here I don't know what to do with it. So much has been eliminated from my life over the past few months. Some people and things I willingly said goodbye to. Others were taken away from me and some decided to walk away for no reason as all. I'm not sure yet if all this "loss" will change me for the better, but I do know that it will change me for my good. That I know for certain.

For now, I just need to get used to the quiet. Just sounds so weird. My life has been a heavy metal song for so long, that the soft, classical music hurts my ears. Crazy I know....learning to enjoy it while it lasts.

Wow it will be December in a couple days....Wow...Okay back to my quiet reading LOL!

Sweet P


  1. At times, I repeat, at times...silence is golden. Thi may be your time for silence!

  2. Tell me about it! Use December as this last chance to regroup and refocus on what you want for the coming year.


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