July 18, 2012


It's funny how a song can put into words exactly what you're feeling, but can't bring yourself to say out loud cuz you're a scardy cat LOL.


*Sweet P*

July 16, 2012

OPERATION: Sexxy Size 6!!

I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired over my weight! I know people are so over hearing me talk about it too, so today I'm done talking. Time for action!! This weekend, I tried on my Maid of Honor dress from this time last year and could not even get the zipper to touch. Horrifying how much weight I gained since then and its no ones fault but my own. I have this insatiable love for food and disdain for exercise. Bad combination!

All summer long I've had issues with wearing cute dresses and clothes because I hate the way my stomach pokes out of everything. I'm developing these unsightly hate-handles on my back (nothing about them screams love). My thick legs that I have had since I was a little haute-mama are now stubby tree trunks. Something has to give today!

Desperate times call for desperate measures, so I am starting a 30-day fast:
  • No sweets.
  • No fried foods.
  • No soda or sugary drinks.
  • No chips.
  • No fast food.
  • No bread.
  • No pasta!! (tears)
I'm also going to be dating the gym. This on again off again, abusive relationship (me being the abuser) must end. It's funny because I read back to my posts about deep water aerobics and bootcamp and think wow that sure is an active and amazing woman! Where is she today?? SMH When I'm on it, I can't be stopped. But when I take a day off, it turns into a week and then a month. This pattern is so unhealthy.

My goal is to be a size 6. Haven't see that size since ...hmm....can't even remember when. It's going to be hard work, but I have "Perfect 10" potential and settle for being a "Cute 8" (and that's me being generous to myself). Time to look as sexxy as I feel in the inside.

OPERATION: Sexxy Size 6 in full effect!!

*Sweet P*