March 25, 2010

Sometimes I wish…

… That men came with a list of ingredients like junk food. That way you would know up front what you are getting yourself into and can decide to indulge in it and put on a pound of headache or heartache in the long run OR walk away from the temptation of the treat.

I can’t lie knowing what he has to offer may not make much of a difference if I am having an “I will have fun now and deal with the consequences later” attitude. I know I don’t need that extra slice of cake, but I eat it anyway….and I LOVE THE WAY IT TASTES!!!! I don’t care if it ruins my diet, makes me stay up all night from the sugar, or adds a little extra cushion to my waist. Again, I knew good and well what I was getting myself into and I am “grown.” The good thing is that usually these late night snack attacks happen in the comfort of my own home and no one knows of my devilish little secrets ;)

So if I meet a man and his label reads, “Chock full of lies, BS and drama; artificial everything; full set of baggage; emotional instability; inability to communicate effectively,” BUT he is a great kisser and such a cutie….hey, it’s my choice if I CHOOSE to partake in the meal, right? At least I know what he is made of *shrugs*


*Sweet P*


  1. yeah...i would want the same thing about a woman.
    I wish we did have labels....
    but the only fault would be that you would have one too...and people would see what you're about.
    and that would make for a judgemental society....
    as if it isn't one already

  2. true we don't come with labels. however, if you pay really close attention at the first meeting, the first date, the follow-up interaction, people tend to show you exactly who they are. what generally happens is we ignore the beginning warnings as they are subtle hints. eventually, those subtle hints turn into uncomfortable feelings we can't erase. learn to listen to the voice in your head that says hang up on this fool and never talk to them again or back away smiling because this person doesn't have the capacity to rationalize what you're saying. we all have the ability to detect when a person is not within our realm of life. maybe one day they meet us where we are, but until then we have to learn to let them be who they are without us.

    some people are born teachers and fixers. learning who is receptive to the lesson and who is worth helping get their stuff in order is the trick.

  3. good one...don't have much to say you, Sci Fi, and Ayawna pretty much said it all, so I'll comment on the blog overall. I love the new background and see that your list of followers is growing. Congrats! You're such a good writer, love the metaphors in this post :)

  4. I feel you Ayawna, but what I'm saying is that even before someone speaks I I want to read what they are really about and decide whether I want to leave them on the shelf or INDULGE!!

  5. In a way people do have ingredients, it may not b written it clearly there. For the women a man's posture, wardrobe, career r telling signs or "ingredients". For men wardrobe or lack there of, lips, hips, switch in her walk r all ingredients. So the ingredients r there indulge @ your own risk!


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