March 8, 2012

The power of P!

I'm here giving myself a pep talk as I prepare to take on my conference and I find myself saying, "You can do it P!" Made me laugh. I just love the letter P. I went from sweet pea (the flower of my birth month, April) to Sweet P to P for short. P is the first letter of my favorite color (pink) and the first letter of my favorite artist (Prince). Then there are so many wonderful P-words like powerful , precious, pretty, patience, praise and princess!!

Always thought my name didn't fit me, but tonight I'm thinking how could it be any other way??? I guess Phyllis is alright, but that chick is Positively Phenomenal!!!

Okay I'm delirious LOL. Time for bed!! Good night and I'll holla after the conference.

Sweet P :o)