June 7, 2010

My Battle with the Bulge ends TODAY!!!

Once upon a time I was a size 2. Laughable I know, but very true. I remember wishing that I was bigger, fuller. Well who knew that I would one day get my wish and long for the size 2 days again. Oh to be skinny again...To eat whatever I want, not do a lick of exercising, sleep as many hours as I want and not gain weight was a special talent.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have a weight complex. I know my body is not in desperate need of improvement, but I could be so much healthier and more fit. I noticed this morning after showering that there are dents and bumps that I didn't have yesterday. Something has got to give! I do a little here and there, but its time to take my health and wellness more seriously.

For the next 30 days, its on like Donkey Kong!!! Here are a few changes that I plan to make:
  1. I will workout at least 3 times a week. This will incorporate weight lifting and cardio to work this butt into shape. If I can just drop-it-like-its-hot without needing help to get up, I will be happy. 
  2. No more Coca-Cola!!! My addiction stops today. Water all day and I can have a treat during dinner, but no SODA period!
  3. I will stay away from that drive-thru line. Fast food is NOT my friend. It's so convenient and easy, but the work that I have to do for a Chick-Fil-A #4 combo meal is painful. I will keep the eating out to a minimum, but when it is needed, I will make healthier choices.
  4. No pizza....the work of the devil! I just can't seem to eat it without finishing the whole box in one sitting. This madness ends today!
  5. I will stop eating in bed and going to sleep afterwards. Now I am really revealing all my dirty habits. Disgusting I know!
  6. No snacks during the day like cookies and chips. Only fruits and veggies....I could cry.
  7. I will do my Brolaw's ABS routine daily and try not to curse him out before, during and after. I will envision my sexy stomach and stay focused on CHANGE!
The next 30 days are going to be torture, but how can I have a Master in Public Health and not have a healthy lifestyle. I will need your support. No peer pressure to cheat please! After 30 days, I hope to reevaluate and lighten up a bit, but right now these are the practices that make it hard for me to wear some of the cute clothes in my closet. This is building season (not dating because I am working toward a goal...another blog for another day) and I need to get is right and get it tight.

Prayer is needed....

*Sweet P*


  1. I will take this challenge with you. I will stick to my gym workout schedule with MChap! No matter if it's raining or hailing. I will only eat out once a week. SO HARD TO SAY, Lord help me! I am giving up Mcdonalds for 30 days (including those breakfast McMuffins that I love so much). Mcds and their dollar menu is nothing but the work of the devil. When I forget my lunch, it's so easy to walk there and buy a full meal for $4. This ends today! Finally, all butter cooked in the home cooked meals will be replaced with Olive Oil. My baby thought me how to cook by using butter in EVERYTHING, like they said at the end of Higher Learning "UNLEARN", my new motto.

  2. Good for you! Glad that I can inspire you to DO BETTER! It is hard to break bad habits, but these habits could really affect us in the long run. I say do it now and make it a way of life. UGH!!! This is why I told you no to ordering pizza this week. Let's think of something healthier to do. maybe we can both cook something instead or ordering out....

  3. Ok we can do that. How about Quiznos? LOL

  4. We have done well, Steflova, with sticking with our gym workout. Just need to keep it up! I also need to cut back on the fast foods. It will take baby steps. After I left the gym, I tried calling Olive Garden for some carryout, but after 4 calls and no one answering...I guess that was my sign not to get it. So, I guess it starts today.

  5. BTW, I have Olive Garden, Papa John's, Chili's, Cetrone's (another pizza place), Original Steakhouse, and Royal Jade (Chinese Food Restaurant) all stored in my phone...LOL.

  6. LOL @ Denise. I went to Royal Jade on Friday. I turned in my frequent meal card and got a free entree. Pretty sad. They know me there. Combination fried rice, no onions 2 egg rolls.

  7. It is hard to stay on track and don't beat yourself up if you back track a bit. As long as don't stay in that place. Last night's workout kicked my butt, and I am walking like I was beat up by 10 gorillas....no pain, no gain!


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