July 13, 2010


Okay so this morning as I was leaving out I cut off my bathroom light and I heard a weird noise. I tried to turn the light back on and nothing happened. UGH!! I was already running late, so I figured I would handle it when I got home. I went the whole day and didn't think about it, which is a huge breakthrough for me. Usually I would spend the day trying to figure out my plan of action and stress over how I had to remove the big painting blocking the breaker and shut off the power. Today, I didn't think about it until I walked through the door and had to use the bathroom. UGH!!! Okay so I move the big heavy painting, shut off the power, take out the power switches, figure out where the problem is, do the rewiring, cut back on the power, test the lights and YAY it worked. Cool...so now I take the time to put it all back in place and cut the power back on and NOTHING!!!! I was this close to tears and just had to step away and sit down. I missed the gym, haven't eaten yet and soon it will be dark and I need light to fix this thing. There is no time to cry and no one to call. I'm tired of being electrician, plumber, carpenter, and EVERYTHING!

I can't take it! OK I am giving myself 5 minutes to cry and then I'll go back in there and try to figure it out.

It's times like these that I wish....Wooooosaaaaahhhhh!!!!!

OK 5 minutes starting now...

*Sweet P*

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm late on this one, and I think is the last post I had to catch up on. So what ever happened? I know ur light is working now. Did u fix it?


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