February 15, 2010

My Battle against the Bulge

Being snowed in for a week caused me to eat things I have not had in years. Just a bunch of junk. There was nothing to do but cook, eat, sleep, watch movies, eat some more, sleep more...day after day after day. I’m so disgusted with myself now. I tried to do a 10 minute exercise class on Comcast and FAILED! 10 minutes!!! I could not even do that. Sad. The next day my body hurt, still hurts, so something has to give TODAY! Before you know it all the snow will melt away and my rolls and dimples will be revealed. I won’t be able to hide behind the coats and scarves anymore. Spring, my birthday, summer, my birthday, sundresses, my brithday, bathing suits, etc. are all around the corner and it’s time for me to reclaim my sexy.

I am not one of those exercise nuts that loves the gym. I hate the place with a passion. I wish that there was another way to get my body right, but I have no choice but to go workout. I don’t enjoy sweating and breathing hard. It does not excite me, but I do enjoy putting on clothes that fit me. I don’t enjoy looking like I’m 5 months pregnant, but I do enjoy wearing a bikini. I need to start eating better and moving more.

Join me in making an effort to be healthier in 2010. We don’t have to go crazy and stop eating what we like or workout 7 days a week. Let’s start with small changes. Doing things we enjoy like dancing, riding a bike, or walking in the park. You don’t have to give up that favorite dessert, just eat in moderation. Reduce your portion sizes, stop eating late and going to sleep afterwards, limit your sugar intake, drink more water, and drink less alcohol. These small changes will, over time, show on the scale or in your waist size.

So are you ready to change your life for the better? I am, so…

OPERATION: Get My Sexy back is in full effect!!!!!!!


  1. Sorry I can't relate LOL. sike nah, you should try walkin up the metro escalator at work while sucking in your stomach. It's free exercise. No gym membership needed

  2. I don't know if I'll join u in the gym. I can't find my way to the gym myself. The thing for you really us to do is find something you enjoy dancing,biking, whatever there r some dance workouts that will make people pass out but u don't realize it because it was dance. U just gotta find your bitch. "If u do what u love you never work a day in your life"

  3. That's supposed to b nitche I HATE my spell check! Sorry about that!

  4. I think I like the first work better. Cuz moving in any form can be a b----. LOL!

  5. I c spell check got u too! Work=word


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