June 4, 2010

The Texter strikes AGAIN!!!

Okay so after my last post on Texter, he contacted me one more time. This time he called. I didn't even know the voice or the number. Later that night he texted me asking me to come over to his house after midnight. Please pardon my next statement, but I texted him back saying "Lose my MF-ing number, please!" LMBO! He responded with, "Already done!" GREAT!! THANKS!!

So why is it at that I just got a text from a 601# saying, "Hey its Sean. I didn't erase your #." The funny part is that I completely forgot his real name. He will forever be Texter. Now since this loser wishes to continue to annoy my life with his foolishness, his real identity is being disclosed. I told ya'll to beware. LOL!

Seriously!!! We met before Christmas 2009. Its now June 2010. We have crossed over 3 seasons!!! Okay hold up....just texted AGAIN while I am typing this saying, "I wanna c u." WTH!!!! Someone is bored on this Friday night. Get it together!! Okay so with that--more info. This fool is in the military. An actual Sergeant in the Army with all kinds of stars and stripes. He has a high security clearance and works at the Pentagon....do they know that you are clinically insane Mr. Texter???



  1. LOL you put him on blast. Ladies beware of the guy we call "Texter" who works for the pentagon. He will text you after midnight asking to come to his house in VA. LMBO!

  2. Then he had the nerve to spell my name wrong in his text. NEXT!!! Lose my MF-ing number, please!


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