January 22, 2010

The Texter

Okay so around the holidays I met this guy. I was in Macy's looking for a Christmas gift for Brolaw (my sister's boyfriend). I was singing "The Christmas Song" by Nat King Cole, and I was so in the spirit of the season, I had no idea I was as loud. When I went into the men's section, I startled a man with my singing. I apologized, and he said that I must really like that song. I laughed it off and went about my business. Mental note: I really do need to work on being aware of my surroundings and notice when men are noticing me. So I begin the hunt for the perfect gift for the perfect man (I love Brolaw--I wish we could share him HAHA!) Then my admirer asked what the person I was shopping for liked and blah, blah, blah. I answered his questions, still not thinking anything of it, and he continued to press. That is when the cloud lifted and I actually looked at him and noticed he was a cutie. Then I said loudly and clearly that I was looking for a gift for my sister's boyfriend, just so he would know my intentions (wink wink).

….Yada, yada, yada, I gave him the digits. The next morning I got a TEXT saying "Good morning." I kinda had an idea it was him, but asked who it was. He TEXTED "It's the man who woke up and thought of you, Texter." (Note: I will from this point call him "Texter") I figured fine it's early in the AM and he was just reaching out, so cool. Nice to be thought of. Then....he begins to TEXT me throughout the day asking random questions and asks when we will see each other. Okay, I tried to give him the benefit if the doubt. Maybe he can't talk at work and he just wanted to keep the connection going. Well the TEXT-ing continued for a week. At one point, I got annoyed and called. No answer. He responded the next day with...you guessed it...A TEXT!!!! I stopped responded all together. When I did not respond to the texts, I finally got a call. Cool! Now we were cooking with grease! We set a date. Movie and conversation was cool. I voiced my issue with the texting and told him that I was interested in getting to know him better by talking more. He agreed and the next day....yes again...another TEXT!! We went back and forth a few times. Then when I realized that I don't even know what this brotha sounds like, I gave up.

Now we are in an age where technology has us afforded the opportunity to get our message across without having to have any human contact. Texting while dating may be cool for some, but I'm old school. I think that texting is fine here and there especially after you have already established a bond. Shooting texts to your sweetie, like "how is your day" or "I was just thinking about you," add to a relationship. When you meet someone new, you can't text them saying, "Tell me about yourself." To really get to know someone you have to communicate in SOUND! I'm a talker. I talk a lot. Too much sometimes...really all the time. Texting is a way of communicating without having to talk. And as my very handsome and intelligent cousin just informed me, it's a way "to kill time."

The final straw...

One night he TEXTED wanting me to come by and watch a movie with him at his place...BLANK STARE....Was he serious?? Unfortunately, he was. Texter then begins to tell me that he really likes me and thinks I am beautiful and wants us to really get to know one another better and that he thinks we could be good together. All of this in a TEXT!!!!....BLANK STARE....I, in my final text, tell him thanks for the TEXT, but if he was really interested in me he would call me and if anything should change to let me know....He TEXTED back, "Huh?" Exactly. Peace. LMBO!


  1. Wow just read this. LOL. I just don't get it. He was cute and seemed cool to. He blew it. Sad thing is I can't even remember his real name. He will always be Texter.

  2. So true! Thanks for that.

  3. Hey my man was frugal. Texts r free, so he was watching his minutes. So he's watching his money. And my question to u all is why can't yah call. Why must texter for instance do all the initiationing. He did a good job with the morning thing. The major thing was he communicated. He doesn't know u so he doesn't know how u work. Once established and it persist then u have a case but until then...

  4. Bro-law, did you read my entire post?? I did call him. He responded with a text. He NEVER dialed my number to talk to me in 2 months of communicating. I think I gave him a good enough chance to get to know me and it was clear he did not have the time to invest in me. Texting is fine, but can we talk first? For all I know he could live with a woman or live in a half-way house. Very strange and glad I did not waste my time.


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