February 7, 2012

I so can't wait to meet him!!

India is one of my favorite artists. And it's one of those days, so I have her playing in the background while I tackle this pile of work on my desk. I have always loved this song. Heard it millions of times, but today feels like the first time. Her voice and the instrumentals have always lulled me with this tune, but today its the words that moved me. The man that she describes in this song sounds amazing. I'm tickled with hope....

The part about me playing him songs all through the night and him listening to every line and him choosing his words wisely when he knows good and daggone well I am wrong...Oh yes!!!

I so can't wait to meet him!!

*Sweet P*


  1. Nothing like that feeling when you listen to a song you have "heard" dozens of times, yet you really "hear" it for the first time.

  2. I think its because I am truly at peace to receive any and EVERYTHING!! All my senses are operating on high. Ears unclogged. Eyes wide open. Things smell so sweet and taste divine. And my hands are ready to catch all the showers of blessing! Whoop whoop!!!!


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