August 8, 2011

Black men survive longer in prison than out: study: MedlinePlus

Article: Black men survive longer in prison than out: study: MedlinePlus

Very interesting article. Why is it that people who have broken the law are entitled to better care than those of us that live law-abiding lives? It's disheartening that a Black man who works 2 jobs, still cannot afford the health care to prevent future illness for him and his family, but a Black man who kills someone can go to prison and have free meds and doctor visits. Very sad. There are even cases now where people are committing crimes because they cannot afford the medications for their debilitating illnesses, just so that they can go to prison and have free care. SMH

I'm aware that a lot of this simply has to do with education. Black men don't always see their health as a priority. They are busy trying to take care of everything and everyone else. I know many men who don't go to the doctor regularly for checkups, go to the dentist, or get the annual exams for their age range and it has nothing to do with whether or not they can afford to do so. They just need a push...or a punch LOL!

So ladies, please make sure the men in your lives take care of their health. Don't nag them like you do with the dishes or the trash, but let him know how much you love him and that sexxy body of his. You want to grow old with him and live long enough to see your great-great grandkids. If he refuses to listen, just make sure you have a nice insurance plan out on him (sick joke, but you know me LOL).

Sickens me that this article says prison is a better place for my men...Something's gotta give!!!

*Sweet P*

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