September 27, 2010

Frenemies....How many people have them?

I just read an article titled, "The Friendship Detox: How to Say Goodbye and Good Riddance." Very good article on how certain "friendships" can be toxic and draining to your life. It’s funny that I came across this because I woke up thinking about some of the relationships around me and how I don't feel like I am getting anything from them. I feel that they take more from me than add to my life. Then there are some friendships that have pulled me from the edge or that have elevated me to another level. The article challenged me to evaluate the company I keep further by asking: 
“Do you look forward to seeing this person, or do you consider it a chore? Is she truly happy to see you, or do you suspect she wants something from you or needs to lord something over you? Will you walk away from this meeting feeling good—or feeling manipulated, demeaned, poisoned, or played?”
Wow!!! I think I just crossed off almost every "friend" on my list :-/

Then she goes on to say...
 “I've had a few such friendship terrorists in my life, and I'm absolutely certain I've been one at times, too, but part of growing up means knowing when to stop playing pretend. Remaining attached to some people is like slaving over a withered garden without realizing all the plants are dead. And letting the negative relationships suck up time and energy only deprives us of the opportunity to nurture and appreciate those friendships that actually do work.”
Wow again!!! Nicely put. I will be stealing that term “friendship terrorists” for myself.

Life is way too short to spend it with someone you don’t like. I do think that in the past I have allowed unhealthy friendships to close me off to genuine people. I didn’t grow up with people that I could lean on, so it has caused me to be my own best friend. It is now at an older age that I have realized that I can’t continue this race alone. That I have people beside me who do love and care about me and wish me well as I do them. I have wasted time in nurturing these friendships because I’ve been mourning too long over the dead ones.
 “True friends bear each other's burdens and accept each other's weaknesses, because without reciprocity, there's nothing. Friendship is about collaboration, not domination. Because we should be stewards of each other's rooms, I am happy to help you keep yours clean, but life is too fleeting to let you continue trashing mine.”
With that said, I’m making some changes in my life today and if you don’t hear from me, you are one of them. LOL!

My life is a puzzle, and you just don't fit!

*Sweet P*


  1. LOL well put! Friendship terrorists! I like that. Its so hard to let go of the dead weight though, esp when you've known someone "your whole life". But I guess it's just as any other relationship...if you aren't growing, then you gotta cut it from the root and start over. It's sad that I answered "no" to a lot of those questions. Honestly speaking some of my "friends", it's more of a chore. :-(

  2. Wow! That touched home for me as well when I think of past friendships and relationships I've been in...Hindsight is 20/20 as they say because if I knew then what I know now I think life would've been very positively different especially in high school! I think now how much I wish I hadn't gotten as close as I did to someone I thought was my best friend when they really were not genuine at all and how I wish I had befriended others who were definitely better company and had better character as well...


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