March 2, 2010

Porn for Bibles???

Smut for Smut??? Seriously?? What is this world coming to? How is it that a group of college students get national attention for a campaign where students can turn in Bibles in return for porn? I'm disgusted and outraged! The group is an atheist club that states there are more graphic depictions of pornography in the Bible than the regular playboy. The school officials are not stopping this tomfoolery due to their right to freedom of speech. Wow! Really?? I think that some laws out way others. Like the law that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Yes, there are some stories of wayward individuals who were not of God, but aren’t these same stories in the Washington! Since they are reading these passages, did they also read how God either brought them out from where they are or showed His wrath and made them pay for their actions? In no way are “deprave acts” seen as right in the Bible. Interestingly, they will be keeping the religious materials for research. (Side note---->I need to remember, that the enemy knows the Bible more than I do. I need to study more and be armed to fight back.) My message to these students stirring up dram is: Go to class and stop wasting your parents’ money on nothingness!!!

Okay, that's enough negativity today. Time to go pray for these fools…Lord, help me understand!!!

1 comment:

  1. Didn't hear about this but I'm glad u brought it to my attention. 1st off the school is write they have a right of freedom of speech and that freedom should b granted just like it is granted to us to sing the praises of God's through church, radio, and streets. With that said I would really like them to pick on all religions. Pick apart the Quaran, Holy. Chuang Tsunami (Taoism) or the Holy Mencuis (Confucianism ). Don't just attack the Bible. All holy books have faults none of them r perfect. All I can say is I no what the Bible has done for me and what influence it has in my life. I can teach it to people, I can show it to people but I have no right to force it upon people. U know what the Bible does for u and how sacred it is to u. Do u and let them do what they do.


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