January 12, 2011

Ima Ima MONSTER!!!!

It's really hard to be a woman sometimes. I've been trying to eat right and workout more consistently. Tired of talking about it and finally doing something more productive with myself. Things have been going well until...that time of the month came around. Now I just want to scream all throughout the day.

I want to eat everything I can't have like chocolate, cake, cookies, chips, candy, ice cream....ALL MY FAVORITE COMFORT SNACKS. I want pizza and fried chicken and burgers and all the side fixings that come with them like french fries. I feel like I'm on punishment right now and its unfair. In addition to the food cravings, I feel so fatigued and lazy. The thought of lifting weights or running makes me want to roll over in bed.

Yesterday I almost went to Five Guys after work, but talked myself out of it. I had walked down 13 flights of stairs and did not want all that hard work to be in vain. I couldn't believe that it was my voice I heard saying, "Don't do it. It's not worth it." I know that at some point I will get used to this, but every month this will be huge test for me.

Someone needs to create a patch for moods like this.

*Sweet P*


  1. So how many days are you coke free?

  2. I guess almost 2 months. Thanksgiving day was my last slip up because of my pusher (your mom). LOL! She tried to give me more the other day and I fought the urge.


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