May 27, 2010

PSA: The Funky Madness Needs to Stop TODAY!!

Ladies and is too early in the morning to be funky!!! My goodness! I just saw a woman who was dressed to kill and gorgeous (yes, it is okay to recognize another sista doing her thang!), but when she passed by me the smell made my nose burn. The day has barely begun! How can this be???

I decided to do my part and tell the world that this funky madness needs to stop TODAY!! I don't care how good you look, if you smell bad--it's a deal-breaker. That goes for breath, body odor, hair....EVERYTHING!!! The days are getting longer and the weather warmer. Today we will reach 90 degrees, and that woman I saw today will not make it to the end without offending someone. YUCK!!

So here are some hygiene tips that I found on

  • Shower Daily: Whether you feel grungy or not, a daily shower is a must. Shower every morning and after all athletic activities. You may not be able to smell your body odor, but others will.

**Shower means washcloth and soap. Not a loofa(sp) and just rubbing the bar across your body. Make sure you pay special attention to those hotspots such as the armpits and private parts.

  • Limit Fragrances: If you use scented soap or shampoos, go easy on competing fragrances. Coordinate your fragrance choices in such a way that you only apply one scent or two complementary scents at a time. Be aware of the fact that many people are sensitive to fragrances; a strong fragrance may offend, not attract some people. Think through your life circumstances. Will you be in any confined spaces such as cabs, elevators or shared cars with other people? If so, lighten up on the fragrance.

**You cannot cover up your funk with smell goods. This will create a counter affect and a small dark cloud around your body.

  • Wear Clean Clothes: Make sure you wash all clothes after a couple times of wearing them, after one wearing if you got sweaty at all that day. Hang clothing immediately after removing from the dryer; iron any clothing that needs attention. Use a tape roll to remove pet hair or lint.

**Do I really need to say anything?? Yes! Some people think that taking clothes from the floor or hamper are okay. It’s not! When the heat hits the old funk you get…NEW FUNK!

  • Brush Your Teeth Three Times a Day: Brush your teeth three times a day for dental health and for fresh breath. Be sure to floss daily and to brush your tongue, which can harbor bad-breath-producing bacteria. Carry mints for in between situations. If you have recently drank coffee or eaten anything potentially offensive-think onion, garlic, blue cheese or strongly spiced foods-be sure to brush or use mints before talking to people.

**I am going to take it one step further…make regular dental appointments. Some of you can’t get your breath right because you have a dead tooth. Not a good look…call your dentist TODAY!

  • Keep Nails Trimmed and Clean: Wash hands thoroughly, removing dirt from underneath nails daily. Keep nails neatly trimmed and free from all debris.

**Men, this is not a practice just for us women. You need to get under those nails and it will not emasculate you to use a nail file or clippers for fingernails AND toenails. You like to see our nails in order and we would love the same from you. Thanks!

  • Pluck Stray Hairs: Both men and women need to be on the lookout for stray hairs in places hairs don't belong: the nose, ears, brow, chin and upper lip area. As men get older they need to pluck or clip wiry nose, ear and eyebrow hairs; women need to wax upper lips and pluck stray hairs if hair becomes long or unsightly. Not sure if you need to pluck or not? Err on the side of caution and pluck.

**Now this I know I need to do better on…read my blog, "Always be Ready!"

  • Prevent Foot Odor: Dust shoes with baby powder, change socks often-especially after athletic activities-and allow shoes to air out in between wearing.

**Wash under your feet. I know some people who figured they got clean by themselves and they always had the worst smelling shoes!

If you find that people are holding their breath when you enter an elevator or that flies seem to circle your head daily, this blog is for you.

Remember to keep it sexy people!

*Sweet P*

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