NO is such a simple word. For many people it's the first word that they learn to say. Children run around screaming,"No!," all the time. I'm sure there was a point when I said it so easily. When I didn't want something, I just said no. Didn't even add a thanks to the end of it. Just NO!
So why has the word no become such a chore for me over the years? I've turned into a yes ma'am and find myself in sticky situations that I can't get out of. All just because I want people happy and don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I say yes to please everyone, but myself. I end up regretting it and annoyed that I couldn't do what so many children do and what so many adults who have a real backbone do. Being a yes ma'am has caused me years of unnecessary stress that could have been avoided if I simply said N-O.
I had a situation this year where I wanted to say no to someone, but I said yes to avoid disappointing them. After more thought, I realized that I didn't even like this person. I was entering into an agreement that would cost me money and time that I didn't want to give. I refused to go into 2013 with this annoyance on my back, so I FINALLY said no I'm unable to do it. It felt so good. I couldn't understand why I didn't just say that to begin with. I know that saying no can unravel a friendship, but sometimes there is no way around it. My happiness is what matters most.
It's 1 word, 2 letters, no explanation needed. Go on. Say NO. Free yourself. Don't agree to anything that you really don't want to do. Be your own person. Live your life the best way you can. No regrets in 2013!!! Now that's something I can say YES to.
*Sweet P*